torsdag 24 juli 2014

A resolution and the resulting agony of choices

I did not make a New Year resolution this year, since the one for last year was about as useful as a chocolate frying pan. Now, however, I will make a part-year resolution:I will buy no new minis in 2014!

The reason I am able to convince myself that I have any hope of actually sticking with this and going 5 months without a purchase is that I have so much already that I want to paint and more coming in. The stars seem to be aligning for the end of 2014 as Kickstarter Delivery Season. I have taken part in five Kickstarters so far:
1, Torn Armor. That ran into trouble with a dodgy partner, but seems to be on track now with the board game part at least arriving later this year.

2, Baker Company Winter War. This was delayed by a broken spin caster and a victim of it's own success. Gav must have been working round the clock since it funded. I already have the first wave of minis and a tank, and more vehicles and troops will arrive later this year.

3, Mars Attacks. Mantic hoped for August delivery and the components have indeed left China with August looking difficult but September hopeful.

4, Dust Babylon. Battlefront hoped for August delivery. Not looking very good as the pledge manager is not out yet, but I remain confident in delivery...later this year.

5, Stonehaven Miniatures Pop-Up Terrain. I opted for the colour PDF version and they are saying November for that.

This is three years of Christmas spending finally coming all at once. It will be a busy winter.

Quite apart from the stuff coming in, I have stuff waiting that I really want to get painted. I'll make a list and return to it after Christmas to see if I actually finished any of it. Note that this list is written from memory during coffee break at the office. Lots of stuff is waiting but not on the list.

1, a dozen Rangers for Dux Gondorum
2, six Veterans of Osgiliath for Dux Gondorum
3, six French Paras for French Indo-China
4, a Panzer IV for GuP
5, a Schwimmwagen for my Ostfront project
6, a Ford truck for LRDG
7, a Sherman for GuP
8, a whole bunch of 6mm ACW from Baccus for TCHAE and Longstreet
9, plastic Warriors from Gripping Beast for Dux Gondorum
10, Finnish and Soviet troops for Winter War
11, livestock for Dux Gondorum
12, three busted Panthers intended as terrain features
13, a Jeep for my Brit Paras, or possibly LRDG
14, a Flak 36 for Ostfront
15, a Sd. Kfz 251/10 for Ostfront

And finally there is the Secret Project! Lots of hobby bloggers I follow do Secret Projects from time to time. I have started one that is intended to be a pleasant surprise for my gaming group during a games day around Christmas.

That's it. If you read all the way here, you truly are a gaming nerd and I salute you!

13 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Thomas. I'm a gaming nerd and I salute you too.
    I would actually like a chocolate frying pan. I wonder if there is a Kickstarter for that?
    I am looking forward to seeing the 6mm Baccus ACW project get going - they make nice stuff.

    1. If there isn't, there needs to be!
      The excuses for not playing ACW are wearing really thin. I have lots of minis, a bunch of them even painted, and I have terrain and I have two full rule sets. I need to make it happen.

  2. Secret project eh??? Sounds intriguing!

    1. That is the whole point, adding a bit of fun by making it secret and then hopefully have something really nice to present all in one go.

    2. And if it isn't finished in time nobody needs to know...

    3. Exactly! I will only reveal what I actually finished and claim 100% success.

  3. Guilty as charged then, Gaming Nerd in the flesh

    I also have two Kick Starters on the way before the end of the year, I am trying to cut back on the figures and think I might not get many more this year


    1. Always good to know that you are not alone.
      The ACW tents and houses from Leven that you gave me are just sitting there waiting for some troops to march by on the way to death or glory. I really need to do something about that.

  4. Sounds like a plan, but it is never as easy as you think it is going to be, that said, you do have some wonderful miniatures heading your way!

    1. Sch, don't disrupt my dream, Mike. I am sure the steady flow of new stuff to paint will keep me to busy to go off the rails and buy new toys. That is my story and I'm sticking to it.

  5. Booo! Hiss!
    No more figs! What's this?
    Probably sensible, I have a (secret) resolution much like yours. Got lot's of Kickstarter stuff with an ETA in the coming year, So i don't really need more figs just now. And that's the beauty of Kickstarter, They won't come just now... :-)
    That secret project sounds interesting. Looking forward to seeing that on the table this Jul.

  6. Låter som en ambitiös plan! Mycket andra världskriget!!! Good luck with this. :)

    1. Andra världskriget är passionen framför andra, så det får så klart prio i allt jag gör. Och möjligen Franska Indo-Kina.
