söndag 1 april 2012

Shelfville-the humble beginning

My plan for the year is to create a American Civil War terrain board in 6mm that will fit on a shelf in a book case and then play solo games of Terrible Sharp Sword from TooFatLardies on it. So far, I have four Union and one Confederate plus a barn for them to fight over. All bought from Baccus6mm although I believe the barn is actually produced by Time Cast for Baccus.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Interesting. Did not think of 6mm for this. I am using 15mm for it. Are you altering distances at all?

  2. I will do TCHAE in 6mm, that is why I went 6mm here too. Formed troops will work in both games and Big Men will also be doing double duty.
    Don't tell Rich, but I plan to shift the distances to centimetres instead of inches for TSS.

  3. Interesting, will have to stay tuned on this one.
